
Individuals have a legal right to be informed about how Xcel Project uses any personal information that we hold about them. To comply with this we provide a “privacy notice” to individuals, where we are processing their personal data.

This privacy notice explains how we collect, store and use personal data about children and young people who participate in our various youth activities/projects including holiday programmes.

We hold some personal information about children and young people and their parents/carers in order to provide accessible, appropriate and safe activities.

This information includes:

  • Contact Details
  • Date of Birth
  • Emergency contact details
  • Medical Information
  • Photographs

We collect personal data by a variety of means. We collect most information when you register for an activity. However, additional information may be collected during the course of the activity/project.

We keep personal information about the child who is participating in our activities/projects. The personal data we collect may be held as an electronic record on secure data systems or as a personal record in locked filing cabinets. The records are only seen by those who need the personal data so they can do their job. We will only keep personal information that we feel we really need, and is up to date, otherwise it will be destroyed.

We will always ask for permission to take photographs/films that could be published in the local newspaper or on social media. We will not publish any photographs without permission.

If there are any changes in the information we hold on you please notify us as soon as possible.

The personal data we hold on you is for helping of the running of the Xcel Project, and to help young people to participate in our activities and may include things like:

  • Contacting parents/carers about meetings and activities
  • Looking after young people and administering medication or emergency treatment
  • Informing young people, parents/carers, volunteers and trustees about activities, events and training courses
  • Organising activities, events and residential trips
  • Producing reports on the work we have done

All information will be destroyed securely when the young person leaves the group.


Our activities form the basis of everything we do. We offer opportunities for young people of all ages to engage with the project, have fun, learn and develop themselves. We are always looking at new ideas for projects and activities.


Leadership is an important part of the Xcel Project. The majority of our volunteers are under the age of 25 and we also want to give young people who have engaged in the project previously the chance to stay involved.


We want to challenge young people to look at what they are going to do when they leave school or exit further education. We will encourage them to think about their future and provide them with the information and skills they need.